The global economy is facing significant challenges, and at the center of these issues is what many refer to as the **unproductive class**. This group comprises politicians, bureaucrats, and central bankers who have gained power through the expanding global administrative state, particularly since the end of World War II. While they claim to be essential to maintaining order and progress, a growing number of people believe that these individuals contribute little of value. In fact, their actions often seem counterproductive, creating barriers for those who actually produce value and drive economic growth.

It’s not unreasonable to suspect that the unproductive class might even be intentionally creating instability to push people into a state of fear and desperation. This fear can make the public more susceptible to manipulation, leading them to act against their own best interests. After witnessing years of what could be described as a series of "coincidental" policy blunders, it’s becoming harder to dismiss the possibility that something more coordinated and nefarious is happening behind the scenes.

A Series of Counterproductive Policies

Consider the events of the past few years:

  • Forced lockdowns disrupted economies and livelihoods.
  • Trillions of dollars in printing devalued currencies and spurred inflation.
  • Mask mandates and other health policies were imposed, even as their efficacy was questioned.
  • Experimental vaccines were mandated with little room for public debate.
  • Energy policies have reduced reliability and increased costs.
  • Food policies have led to shortages and instability in supply chains.

Viewed in isolation, each of these policies might be dismissed as a simple mistake or a well-intentioned response to a crisis. However, when considered together, these policies appear to be part of a larger pattern that points to a coordinated effort to reshape society according to the desires of the ruling elite—the unproductive class of central planners. If they manage to control money, energy, food, and individual autonomy, they will effectively subjugate the global population.

Recognizing the Subjugation

The uncomfortable truth is that this subjugation is already well underway. The masses are not preparing for a future threat; they are already living under it. To regain freedom, people must first recognize that they have been subjugated and then act quickly to break free. While the window of opportunity is still open, it is shrinking, and the door to freedom needs a strong push to remain open.

Bitcoin: The Wedge of Freedom

Bitcoin serves as the wedge keeping that door to freedom cracked open. At its core, the unproductive class derives its power from control over money. By centralizing the authority to create and destroy money, they can manipulate economies to their advantage. Bitcoin, a decentralized and censorship-resistant currency, offers a way to wrest that control from their hands.

Bitcoin is just the first step in dismantling the unproductive class's grip on power. For true freedom, the productive class—those who create real value in the world—must begin to secure control over other essential resources, such as energy.

Energy and Bitcoin Mining: A Path to Independence

Energy production is one of the most critical layers of control. Bitcoin mining offers a unique opportunity for energy producers to break free from the influence of the unproductive class. By monetizing stranded or wasted energy through Bitcoin mining, producers can convert unused resources into valuable, censorship-resistant money. This enhances their balance sheets, even in challenging market conditions, and allows them to generate profits from previously underutilized assets.

As energy producers begin to see the power of the Bitcoin network, they may demand payment in Bitcoin (sats) for their energy resources, further weakening the unproductive class’s control. This could flip the script entirely, especially as governments and organizations continue to push for policies like ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) mandates, which may seek to penalize energy producers who don’t comply with these increasingly restrictive guidelines.

The Power of Leverage

Energy producers hold significant leverage. Energy is essential for human survival and prosperity. When energy supply chains break down, the consequences are dire. If the unproductive class attempts to further control energy producers by freezing their bank accounts or imposing other penalties, smart and resourceful individuals will find ways to acquire energy regardless of these obstacles. Bitcoin offers a censorship-resistant platform through which energy trades can be settled, making it an ideal medium for these transactions. As a result, "sats for power" could become the new standard in energy markets.

A Preemptive Strike

To avoid a complete collapse under the weight of central planning, energy producers must act now. By settling their trades in Bitcoin rather than fiat currency, they can preemptively avoid the traps of the unproductive class. The question that remains is: how quickly will the productive class take the initiative and remove the unproductive leeches from the equation?

The time for action is now. Bitcoin provides a pathway to freedom and a way to dismantle the control of the unproductive class. The productive class must recognize its power, embrace Bitcoin, and work towards reclaiming control over essential resources like energy. Only then can society escape the grip of central planners and ensure a future of prosperity and freedom.